Saturday, April 23, 2011

First Post

My wife just let me purchase a homebrew kit as an early birthday present. My goal is to have my first batch done by the time we go to a family wedding in late May so that I can share some. I'll be using this blog to chronicle my recipes, results, and adventures in brewing. More to come!

1 comment:

  1. As used on this part, the term “reverse vending machine” means a machine into which empty beverage containers are deposited for recycling and which supplies a payment of money, merchandise, vouchers, or other incentives. At a frequency less than upon the deposit of every beverage container, a reverse vending machine could pay out a random incentive bonus larger than that guaranteed payment in the type of cash, merchandise, vouchers, or other incentives. The deposit of any empty beverage container right into a reverse vending machine doesn't constitute consideration, and a reverse vending machine may not be not|will not be} deemed a slot machine as outlined on this part. Such guidelines and regulations could not thereafter be modified, modified, or 1xbet altered. Radio and tv announcements could indicate that the rules and regulations can be found at retail outlets or from the operator of the promotion.
